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Chris Jose

How does a routine help your toddler?

As an adult, following the same routine everyday does get to us and makes us feel bored in our day-to-day life.

Wake up ⟶ brush teeth ⟶ ready for work ⟶ breakfast ⟶ office ⟶ back home ⟶ dinner ⟶ sleep

That pretty much sums up the routine of any adult today. How we wish we could do something new everyday or atleast once a week maybe.

However, this is not the case with toddlers.

For our little babies and toddlers, routines help lower stress, increase confidence, gives them a sense of control and security.


A routine sets expectations for your toddler

My toddler wakes up, knows that she can cuddle for a little while on the sofa and then she has to go brush her teeth, wash her face and then she is ready for breakfast.

She knows that once she is done with her morning routine, her breakfast will be ready on the table.

This makes things easier for both the toddler and the parents. They both know what to expect from each other.


A routine reduces stress and anxiety in your toddler

Even as an adult, we like to know what we are doing next, making plans, our to-do-lists. In short, we like the predictability of our routine even though we may think of it as boring.

Similarly for a toddler, having a routine makes their life predictable for them.

They feel like they have some level of control over what happens in their life. Your toddlers are prepared for the transition into the next activity, once they know what the next activity is.


A routine makes meal times with your toddler easier

How many times have your toddlers broken down, gotten extremely irritable or thrown a tantrum because they were hungry?

I have noticed this in my own toddler. She tends to get irritable and cries for the littlest of things, things that otherwise don't matter to her, when she is hungry. And usually, there is a high chance that her snack or meal has been missed or delayed because we both were so engrossed in our respective activities.

Setting up times for your toddler's meals helps them develop a regular pattern for appetite and as parents, it helps us to be prepared adequately for meal times. It might just click us; the reason our toddler is irritable right now is because he or she is just hungry.


A routine makes bedtime with your toddler easier

A regular bedtime routine makes it easier for your toddler to wind down at the end of the day.

Certain cues such as a bed time story or a night-time bath or a change into their night suit tells your baby or toddler that it is now time to sleep. These cues, which are a part of the routine help the toddlers transition into bedtime smoothly.

A bed-time schedule and routine also ensures that your toddler is well-rested in the morning.


A routine encourages your toddler to be more disciplined and responsible

As a routine develops in a toddler's life, they begin to expect the next activities and start preparing for it themselves.

A simple act of intentionally brushing their teeth after they wake up is a result of routine and it becomes a discipline for your toddler. You may miss it on the days you are busy but your toddler will remind you that you need to help them brush their teeth. Gradually, they move on to brushing their teeth by themselves. They enjoy these little transitions that makes them independent.


Consistent routines work wonders for your toddlers. This does not mean an hour-on -hour schedule. Having a steady sequence of activities and cues to help your toddler transition from one activity to another is important. The key is to set up a routine that works for you as well as your toddler.


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