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Chris Jose

Types of Books for Infants

It is never too early to introduce your newborn to the wonder of books. Your infant may not be able to hold a book between their tiny chubby fingers. Your infant doesn’t know the letters of the alphabet yet. But that doesn’t matter!

From the time they are born, babies are learning. They are discovering and absorbing the world around them. When books are being read to them, babies are learning the sounds of the language, the meanings associated with the words, the social element of communication.

So what kind of books can you begin reading with your infant?

Sprinklys recommends the following type of books for babies below the age of 1 year.

The types of books that can be used by an infant include quiet books, cloth books, touch & feel books and small board books.
Types of books for infants
Quiet Books

Quiet books or otherwise known as busy books are typically made of felt or fabric.

Each page concentrates on an age-appropriate skill and interaction, although the book may have an overall theme. Different materials with different textures used across the book provide an excellent sensory experience for the little ones.

You can check out the following links to purchase the quiet books or make them yourself -



Cloth Books

These are a variation of quiet books, but made completely of fabric. These are generally made of cotton or polyester fabric. Since children at this age tend to put everything in their mouth, these books are a good option as these can be washed and reused. These books tend to last longer despite all the pulling, biting and mishandling by our darling little ones!

You can check out the following links to purchase cloth books -

Touch & Feel Books

Infants love to reach and grab anything within their reach! All the textures and sensations around them are new and help them explore and learn about the world around them. Touch & Feel books are a fun way of combining sensory experience along with book reading.

You can check out the following links to purchase touch & feel books -

Small Board Books

The pages of board books are typically made of heavy laminated paper or cardboard. These books typically have rounded corners or some form of padding especially, on the front and back of the book to avoid any injuries to the baby. Since babies tend to bite, chew and grab everything in sight, board books are designed to withstand their little hands that are perhaps not so gentle!

You can check out the following links for board books -

* We have no affiliation with Amazon or any of these books. These recommendations are based on personal use and/or reviews of the books.

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”

— Walt Disney


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